CREMed Best Student Paper Award 2011 Call for papers

CREMed Best Student Paper Award 2011 Call for papers
31 January 2011
The Center for Research on the Economies of the Mediterranean (Barcelona GSE and IEMed) is pleased to announce the 1st annual CREMed Best Student Paper Award.
A prize of € 2.000 will be awarded to the best paper.
نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي
* you are currently a PhD student at any university
* write a research paper on the Economies of the Mediterranean region
Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Structural reforms and economic growth in Mediterranean countries
* Institutional framework, governance, corruption and capacity building: their influence on the economic development in the region
* Economic integration and free trade among Mediterranean countries. Monitoring the Doha process
* Finance for development: internal and external resources. FDI, ODA, Microfinance’s and fiscal revenues
* Migration and development: migrant movements inside and outside the Mediterranean region. The impact of remittances
* Water management and sanitation in Mediterranean region
* Food security, food prices and agricultural productive structure
* Economic impact of improving basic education and health services in the Mediterranean countries
* Transportation and Logistics in the Mediterranean region
* Energy cooperation, energy dependency and climate change within the Mediterranean countries and the EU
* Impact evaluation, causality and evaluation methodologies for public policies, programs and development projects
* Aid effectiveness and Millennium Development Goals in Mediterranean countries
– Your paper can be co-authored and you may submit more than one paper
– must be in English
– should not exceed more than 30 pages (Arial 11, 1.5 spacing)
– include an abstract of 300 words
[1] submit a PDF format version of your paper in a single file containing text, graphs, cover page etc.
[2] send it to
September 30, 2011
For more information please visit the website:
Or download the Call for Papers here:

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